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Eastwind USSD/SMS Clip


A service to provide subscribers
with accurate information about
hidden telephone numbers
of incoming calls.

By subscription or at a one-time request.

Subscribers can even receive hidden numbers
of incoming calls 7 days after the calls were made.

The data storage period is an adjustable system parameter.

​Functional Capabilities


Eastwind USSD/SMS Clip allows you to:

- Send messages to subscribers using the operator’s existing SMS/USSD Center or the SMS/USSDC supplied by Eastwind.
- Analyze signaling CAMEL traffic.
- Provide the service by subscription or at a one-time request.
- Maintain and set up subscribers’ profiles using various criteria.
- Store call details for hidden numbers and define their storage period.
- Entitle subscribers to multichannel management of the service: they can activate or deactivate, block or unblock the service by USSD/SMS request, via a the personal web-office, subscriber support service, IVR, call center or mobile app.


It’s interesting to know

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Easy Fly SMSC
Beep call