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Eastwind Central Equipment Identity Register


An integrated solution to effectively combat stolen, fake and counterfeit mobile devices at the state level
Identification   |   Registration    |   Blockingscscssss
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The Problem Has Striking Proportions

45.3 billion euros
Losses from sales of counterfeit phones in the world in 2015
(according to a study by the ITU and the European Union Intellectual Property Office)
1.1 billion euros
Losses in CIS countries from sales of counterfeit phones in 2015
73.1% of theft
The mobile phone is the most popular object of theft as compared to laptops and desktops
(according to Prey Mobile Theft-Loss Report, 2018)

Everyone Wins with CEIR’s Launch


Generation and maintenance of IMEI lists (Black, White, Gray, White Test IMEI list, White Test TAC list) - automatic and manual
Automatic synchronization of lists with the operators' EIR
Registration of allowed mobile phones that can legally operate in the country
Calculation of fees for mobile device registration and integration with external payment systems
API to allow integration with external government systems for information exchange
Accounting for stolen and lost mobile devices
Subscriber notification
Resolving disputes related to IMEI duplicates
Generation and provision of analytical reports


Key benefits

Flexible fee policy

Flexible fees for registration of new mobile phones will shorten the pay-off period of the implementation and bring additional revenue to the state budget
Change functionality with minimum effort
The business logic for handling IMEI validation requests is programmed using the script language LUA: this means the list handling algorithms can be reconfigured without recompiling the source code
Optimization of system resources
The handling of IMEI validation requests uses special data structures. This significantly reduces the consumption of memory resources as compared to the traditional approach
Optimization of implementation costs
The main components of the platform run on free system software CentOS, using Redis database and PostgreSQL
Virtually and physically

Eastwind CEIR is a software solution that can work both in a virtual environment and on any servers with x86 architecture processors
New features for real-time activities
Monitoring events that involve change of IMEI-IMSI-MSIDSN combinations, setting triggers for such events and configuring various actions performed as a result of triggering

Eastwind CEIR Сomponents

Manage IMEI Lists

We provide a custom web UI for viewing and editing various IMEI lists.
The user can create a new list, add or delete an entry in an existing list.

Registration of Mobile Devices

There are various scenarios to white-list mobile devices -
for end users, wholesale importers and manufacturers

Monetization Opportunities

The state may charge tariff for device registration.

The flexibility of tariff plans is enabled by combining a variety of parameters:

Device type;
Device price;
Number of SIM slots;
Number of registered devices for a period.

Use the web-based UI to manage tariff plans.

Monitoring Capabilities

In the basic platform configuration, we provide an optimal set of reports that can be expanded in accordance with customer requirements. The reporting subsystem includes a configurator that allows you to customize the form and content of reports

Learn More in the Platform

The most interesting parts are here


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