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Easy Fly SMSC 5.0

A high-performance scalable platform to enable bulk SMS broadcasts

Assess the benefits

Additional revenues
Raise ARPU through a high-percentage response to advertising and marketing SMS campaigns, boost your revenues by allowing content or services providers to use your SMS Center.

Advertising opportunities
Use the SMS channel for your own ad campaigns as well as offer it to external advertisers to broadcast their mobile ads.
Cost reduction
The platform can be installed as the operator’s second SMS Center. This will save your money and time for the expansion and development of the existing SMSC.

Easy Fly SMSC in more detail

  • ​Reception, transfer, and storage of SMS

    1. Receiving and transferring messages onto subscribers’ mobile terminals and external apps.
    2. Keeping an archive of messages to save data on all handled SMS including the texts, with details in all fields. The storing period of messages is set by the operator and cannot be less than 3 months.
    3. Support of long and short SMS.
    4. Support of Flash SMS to be immediately displayed on the phone screen.
    5. Support of Zero SMS which are not displayed on the phone screen as they arrive.

Collect extra points by using the services

Easy Fly SMS Center allows you to offer useful and entertaining services to subscribers:
SMS entertainment such as chats, games, newsletters, and dating. Info SMS such as weather, events guide, currency rates, or discounts.
Mobile advertising such as free bonus SMS as a reward for viewing of a certain number of SMS ads.

Auxiliary modules

Virtual SMS Center 

to create additional numbers (Global Title) of a physical SMSC. It allows content providers to overcome the operator-imposed quotas on the amount of incoming SMS traffic.


Virtual Subscriber 

Helps optimize the operator’s relations with content providers by means of creating an ESME associated with a federal number to which a content provider can receive messages from subscribers of any operators.

SMS Broadcast

to run bulk SMS broadcasts to subscribers. The module allows you to create delivery lists, generate text messages, set the start time and stop time of deliveries.

It’s interesting to know

Message Toolkit
USSD Navigator
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