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USSD Navigator is more than
just a menu

A full-fledged interactive user USSD portal for the most
comfortable service management and fast access to content

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Benefits for telecoms

1. Additional revenues from increased sales of supplementary services and paid content.
2. Promotion of paid services via a popular free channel.
3. Reduced operation costs required for subscriber handling.
4. Reduced integration costs through the use of standard protocols.
5. Support of complex multi-level menus.
6. Quick updating of menu structure and service list.
7. User-defined scenarios for subscriber handling - allowing them access to certain menu branches depending on their profiles.

Benefits for Subscribers

1. Services available anywhere – all you need is mobile coverage.
2. Menu supported by any GSM telephone.
3. Free service even in roaming.
4. High speed of “request – response” dialog.
5. Personalized service catering for interests and experience of users.

With this full-fledged
USSD portal
the operator can

Develop and edit the menu tree,
and manage the service provision logic by
using a special GUI.
Set up different types of subscriber access
to the menu and its branches.
Set up interaction with external systems
(Billing, CRM, SMS/USSD centers, and other service platforms
of the operator) to manage the services or gather info on them.
Create and edit subscriber handling scenarios where requests
can be submitted successively to several services
and the resulting reply is returned to the subscriber.
Manage the logic of promo message targeting and rotation.
Schedule and run outgoing USSD broadcasts.
Automatically generate and add subscriber’s personal
Top Menu to the root menu.
Maintain and set up subscribers’ profiles by various parameters
enabling convenient targeting.

Advertising as USSD
Received and viewed by 100% subscribers. Interactive and full-screen. Faster than SMS and free for subscribers.
USSD Guide
Available everywhere, all the time. You can use it on your travels, hiking in the countryside, searching for a cafe, shop, or ATM in the city.
USSD Banking
Easy, fast and free for subscribers, even in roaming. View the balances on your cards, deposits, loans or accounts, instantly transfer money between your cards, pay for services, repay loans and top up deposits.
Mobile Commerce
USSD will help you pay your Internet, TV, telephone and utility bills, buy railway and airline tickets.

Quasi USSD App – USSD
for tablets and smartphones

This app will allow you to deploy self-care services
for those subscribers who use tablets
and smartphones with the operator’s SIM.


Quasi USSD Application means:

One more convenient and free subscriber
self-care channel.
Classical benefits of the operator’s app such as
authentic design and corporate style combined
with the optimum functionality.
A new channel to advertise the operator’s
own services and rate plans.
Open and compatible interfaces allowing
for the app to be easily integrated
with hardware supplied by any vendor.
A multi-platform app running on iOS, Android
and Windows.


USSD Navigator means your new opportunities:

1. Single access point for all the services (*100#) offered by the operator or services providers.
2. Intuitive hierarchy tree of the services.
3. Convenient navigation where you can always return to the previous menu.
4. Ability to restore interrupted sessions.
5. Interactive questionnaires and polls.

Do want to get the feel of USSD Navigator?

Order a demo version.

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