Functional Capabilities
Organization of signaling exchange over SS7 INAP and SS7 MAP to receive calls to a single number dedicated for voice services, to manage call divert to the Advice of Charge voice platform and voice content portals.
1. Call screening: the user can create black lists of numbers (MSISDN) the calls from which cannot come to the IVR platforms.
2. Graphic interface to manage the contents of particular data sections and generate the content of the voice portal.
3. Support of Advice of Charge procedure allowing a subscriber to learn about the service conditions and consent to payment, before the actual service will be provided.
4. Caching MAP queries, with adjustable storage period.
5. Support of online and offline rating for any types of services – voice or content.
6. Support of various rating options for the portal services: premium rating by access duration, per-minute price, or event.
7. Tools to manage the handling logic of subscribers’ requests, the base of voice prompts, and the content base.
8. Real-time monitoring of the system operation and failure alerts.