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SMS Guard
list of numbers
for SMS

This is a service to screen
undesired incoming SMS,
restrict the delivery of SMS
to certain numbers,
and check the text of
incoming and outgoing SMS
in order to block messages
containing bad language

What a subscriber gains

The ability to set rules for filtering incoming and outbound SMS.
The ability to set SMS filter by text and protect themselves and their children from seeing messages containing certain language.
The ability to control the service via a web interface, or SMS/USSD.


What the operator gains

Flexible setup of rules for Black or White lists for SMS for corporate customers.
The opportunity to have Eastwind Camel Gateway included in the supply.
The opportunity to increase revenues from the monthly service fees.


Functional Capabilities

1. Keeping and setting the profiles of subscribers using the service.
2. Setting the filtering rules for each type of traffic - incoming and outgoing SMS.
3. Support of multichannel management of services by subscriber: USSD, SMS, IVR.
4. Web-based office, mobile app (for OS Android, iOS, Windows Phone), Call Center.
5. Black list or White list for incoming SMS.
6. Forwarding of incoming SMS separately for a particular number, or group of numbers.
7. SMS filtering by content. A subscriber can define alphabetic combinations which will be blocked by the system if detected in the SMS text.
8. Creating a group of numbers to which the rules of the black or white lists apply.
9. Support of scheduled activation of lists for SMS/USSD notifications to the service subscribers upon the occurrence of particular events.


It’s interesting to know

Subscriber SMSC
USSD Navigator
SMS Firewall