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TurkmenTEL 2021: Eastwind Shows Big Data Monetization Case

16 november 2021
Eastwind has taken part in a major international scientific conference Turkmentel 2021, which was held in Ashgabat on November 10-11. It was the second time for the event to be held in a mixed format, with foreign guests presenting their reports using Zoom online communication platform.

On behalf of our company, Commercial Director Roman Vasiliev made a presentation “How to monetize big data: from building infrastructure to efficient models”. The presentation showcased one of our largest projects – the implementation of Eastwind Mobile Marketing Platform in the Kazakhtelecom group.

Roman Vasiliev says: “What made this project interesting to me was its specificity – the main part was played by our DataFlow platform, which we modified sufficiently to meet the requirements of the state operator, in terms of security as well as in terms of the data source variety. Kazakhtelecom was able to achieve a serious economic effect with the help of the analytical models built on our platform. I felt it important to tell about the project itself, how the operator implements centralized data management as part of its transformation strategy. In my experience, practical cases and results are what people are interested in the most. Another important point in the project was our assistance in creating a team for the operator, which we helped to recruit and which we nurtured to bring it to an adequate proficiency level. Often, the lack of a professional team of analysts with the right competencies and skills poses a serious obstacle to the implementation of such solutions."

Eastwind has been participating in Turkmenistan’s main IT event of since 2010. Over this time, the company has become a real reliable partner of the telecom operator TMCell. Together we are introducing digital services and technologies that provide new experience to subscribers and change the digital landscape in the mobile market of Turkmenistan.
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